A crazy Michigan football rumor shot down

Rick Osentoski-USA TODAY Sports
Rick Osentoski-USA TODAY Sports /

There have been lots of crazy rumors about Michigan football, but there is one that has been shot down by a Wolverines insider. 

It’s been a wild couple of weeks for Michigan football with the whole sign-stealing investigation that became public prior to the Michigan State game.

There have been tons of reports and allegations coming out about the Wolverines. Some have had some facts to back them up, such as the notion that Michigan football broke the in-person scouting rule.

Staffer Connor Stalions clearly did that. Whether there is a gray area with the rules or not, Stalions clearly was skirting the rules.

However, we still have no evidence connecting to Jim Harbaugh. It’s true that the head coach is responsible for what happens in the program. But it still feels as though the punishment wouldn’t be as severe if Harbaugh didn’t direct all of this.

As of now, the evidence doesn’t show that he or any of the other coaches were involved or had direct knowledge of this happening.

Despite all that, the crazy rumors haven’t stopped. It was reported earlier this week too that Michigan has been cooperating with the police and FBI in the Matt Weiss investigation.

Rivals fans and others have been speculating that the Weiss stuff (alleged computer crimes that led to his termination) had something to do with the sign-stealing probe.

Even though the police have confirmed it doesn’t, rumors have persisted about a potential hack to get Ohio State practice film. Chris Balas of The Wolverines reported that this allegation “didn’t happen” according to people who would know.

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That’s good news because that would have been hard to defend. It seems like most of the worst information is out there, but you never know at this point. Things can change in an instant.