Watch: Michigan football arrives for Rose Bowl

The Wolverines have arrived in California ahead of the Michigan football matchup with Alabama in the Rose Bowl.
Michigan head coach Jim Harbaugh walks down the tunnel to the field before the game against Michigan
Michigan head coach Jim Harbaugh walks down the tunnel to the field before the game against Michigan / Nick King / USA TODAY NETWORK

The Rose Bowl will be here before you know it, Michigan football fans. We now have just five days to get through as we wait for the Wolverines to take on Alabama in the College Football Playoff semifinals next Monday.

If you need a reminder about any of the key info for the Rose Bowl, we've got you covered. On Tuesday, the Wolverines landed in California. There were pictures of the Michigan football team boarding the plane for Los Angeles in some pretty sweet Rose Bowl hats.

Then, Jim Harbaugh and the Michigan football team were captured coming off the bus by The, which they posted on their YouTube Channel.

Michigan football is a 1.5-point favorite leading into the showdown against SEC champion Alabama, which is fresh off a win over Georgia. The Crimson Tide and Wolverines would be favored in hypothetical national title games against Texas or Washington, so the winner of this game will undoubtedly be viewed as the favorite to win it all.

The top-ranked Wolverines are a perfect 13-0. They have also beaten ranked teams in three of their past four games. In that span, they trailed for only a few minutes against Penn State. That's it.

Michigan football taking a different approach to Rose Bowl prep

Speaking of Rose Bowl practices, it's interesting that the Wolverines have changed up their practice schedule for bowl preparation compared to previous seasons. This is a good thing considering the 0-4 record in NY6 games under Jim Harbaugh, including an 0-2 mark in the College Football Playoff.

“I think that the last couple years, I felt like we fell victim to paralysis by overanalysis and just getting over-detailed with too many things and over-thinking things,” J.J. McCarthy said via The “These first couple of weeks, we really just took things kinda light, easing into things and it’s been kind of fresh every single day. I think that’s going to be the biggest difference of keeping a balance.”

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We'll see if that approach helps and as it stands, we have just five more days until we find out.