3 keys to Michigan Football beating Colorado State

Syndication: The Coloradoan
Syndication: The Coloradoan /
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(Photo by Gregory Shamus/Getty Images)
(Photo by Gregory Shamus/Getty Images) /

3. Start fast, finish strong

“Start fast, finish strong.”

A staple of nearly every game preview, but definitely deserving this week.

Starting fast and finishing strong is vital this week when playing a team that has a system in place to drive the field in 10 seconds flat.

Making a statement on the opening possession on offense by eating the clock, leaning on physicality and getting in the endzone is what we are talking about.

The last thing Michigan football needs to do is give a young Rams team under a new regime, looking for a statement win, any hope whatsoever.

Even as the backups likely start to come in, don’t get away from your identity and try to spread the ball around 50 times. Stay within yourself and demand that Colorado State plays on your terms, not the other way around.

Next. Game-by-game predictions for Michigan. dark

There’s a lot to look forward to this season, fellow Michigan fans. Here’s to another great year and hopefully starting out 1-0.