The Michigan football team snapped a three-game losing streak with a three-overtime win against Rutgers. So how did the offense grade out?
It wasn’t a pretty game by any means and the Wolverines should have lost in the first overtime, but they still came away with a win on Saturday night. For a team that has looked lifeless for much of the last three games, it was nice to see some fight out the Michigan football team.
Coming into the season we would have never thought the Wolverines would go into overtime against Rutgers, but it happened and they battled to get the win. It involved a little luck and a huge performance from the backup quarterback, but the Wolverines avoided their first 1-4 start in over a century.
Will this win turn the season around for the Wolverines? Probably not, but it at least is something to build off of. Enough good things happened that you can feel good about the game, but make no mistakes there are still a lot of things to work on.
But for a young team that had lost three games in a row and looked horrible doing it, it is something to be proud of.
Michigan football fans will undoubtedly think this is just Rutgers we shouldn’t get excited about the win, but lets face it this isn’t a normal year in any way. Take the wins anyway you can get them and build off it.
Next week the Wolverines play a team that has been even more disappointing than them in Penn State. But before we start looking ahead to the Nittany Lions, lets look back at their win and hand out grades to the offense.