Michigan Football: 5 things Wolverines must do to beat Ohio State

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Stop the run

A lot of the focus will be on slowing down Justin Fields and the Ohio State passing game, which is exceptional. However, the key to beating Ohio State or at least limiting the offense might be stopping J.K. Dobbins.

When you look at his numbers, Dobbins has been insane. He has over 1,400 yards and 15 touchdowns. He’s also averaging 6.6 yards per carry. If it wasn’t for Jonathan Taylor, he’d be the best back in the Big Ten.

Fields can run too and has over 400 yards himself, as well as 10 touchdowns, which makes stopping both of them very difficult and we know how Michigan football has struggled against running quarterbacks over the years.

Limiting big plays in the passing game is obviously a concern, but stopping the run is much more important. If Michigan can make Ohio State one-dimensional and force Fields into third-and-long situations, it will be much easier to get pressure and get stops.

On the other hand, if Dobbins has a big game, it’s hard to see Michigan slowing down this offense.