Michigan Football: Complete breakdown of Wolverines win over Florida

(Photo by Ronald Martinez/Getty Images)
(Photo by Ronald Martinez/Getty Images) /
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(Photo by Tom Pennington/Getty Images)
(Photo by Tom Pennington/Getty Images) /

Special Teams

So, what’s your best sleepover ever? I know what mine is. J Quinn Nordin seems to be the real deal. Yeah, he seemed to peter out at the end there, but I have high hopes he’ll get that straightened out.

The punter, Will Hart #17 Soph. walk-on, he did alright I guess. 35.0 avg. two punts, one blocked. Michigan football have a real stud waiting to hit the field, maybe as good as Nordin. But, Brad Robbins #3 Fr. Has just gotten here and evidently the coaches don’t trust him on the field yet – but when he gets there – trust me, I think he’ll be worth the wait.

KO team: James Foug #31, he did a good job, as did the coverage team. Jordan Glasgow and true freshman Ambry Thomas #1 seemed to combine on that nice fumble recovery and it doesn’t really seem like a fluke, we may see more of that.

Returns: This may be controversial. Many would like to see our punt returners take fewer chances when game circumstances call for it. But, with 8:57 left in the game, when DPJ picked up that bouncing punt and ran through 4 Gators – I didn’t panic. I was glad we had someone who could pick up where Pep left off. I felt like I was Morpheus, watching Neo show up and dodge bullets. Say what you will about DPJ’s judgment – I will call him, “The One”. Auom. Namaste’