Michigan Wolverine Football: Those Important Meetings


Posted at 7:00am — 1/6/2015

Michigan Wolverine Football: Those Important Meetings

Awkward But Necessary

While writing the two-parter on Harbaugh’s Things To Do List, CoachBt mentioned to be sure and discuss the meetings coaches and players are now starting to undertake.

Having been a part of meetings of this nature be assured that the gambit runs the entire course, from ultimate courtesy to unbridled intensity, to wanting to hide under a chair. The meetings can be inspirational, irritating, ego busting, somewhat traumatic, and can shake one down to the bare foundation. But, the meetings are necessary in such situations and if an exercise in warm and fuzzy is the result, the time was meaningless and counterproductive.

There is no need for hatred or personalizing an individual for the shortcomings of the program. There is no need to blame the past; that becomes convenient and exasperates the failures. Instead there are several needs that the team and individual meetings must address.

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The team meetings are usually cozier since the entire team is assembled and only a few generalities can be tied to the team. There is some psychological strength in numbers perception. Players eagerly want to size up the new hire with the initial first-hand experience. Coaches are eager to see the collective psyche and attentiveness of the team members.

This includes focus, respect, timeliness, and willingness to instantly accept the new team structure. Players who are flippant, late, appear to be unfocused, sleepy, or negative are quickly spotted. A player may be dismissed from attending if late. A player who shows up with his feet on a desk, chewing gum, and self-absorbed may get an initial shock. There is no time for gradual attitude adjustments and compromise.

The individual player/coach meetings usually start off cordial enough with a welcome and a thank you for past program participation. Then, the true fun starts. Players will be asked the extent they see themselves being a successful part of the team. Players will sometimes have to decide two or three immediate goals for later use. A player will be given clear team expectations (starting at the general meeting) and personal expectations. The expectations range from the affective domain of foundational items such as loyalty, support, and commitment, to physical demands, to psychological mindset.

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Michigan Wolverines

The future is more important to the new staff than the past, but the past will be explored for flaws and weaknesses, individual and collective. One overriding aim is to move players out of their comfort zone. If workouts start and players remain in comfort zones, then a quick and sharp change must instantly be obtained. That is the way it is. College level sports and intensity dwarf high school in all regards.

These meetings can be separate with the Head Coach and Position Coach, or collective. But, most players know this process is an end to a mean that the collective group defines and agrees upon to achieve desired results. Some guys will cop an immediate attitude and some will not like the earthquake that hits the soft comfort zone. This is a group of smart kids not totally self-absorbed who came to Michigan to succeed. They will keep their respect for the past and accept the future.

One old adage applies to high-level programs: soon you will be better or you will leave.

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Written by GBMWolverine Staff — Doc4Blu

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