Michigan Football: the tweet, The Tweet, THE TWEET! — 9/17/2013
GBMWolverine Readers: Here is an overview of University of Michigan happenings in the Twitterverse.
I see you bailing out the stands against the team I loved and I’m like F@!* You!! I guess my wearing a cornhead wasn’t enough and I’m like F@!* You, and F@!* Frazier too! Okay so Pelini made the classic blunder, he trusted those around him (Note to Pelini talk to Rich Rod) and said some things in anger about the fans departure during a game against his alma mater in a very Cee Lo Green moment (Warning Explicit Lyrics) and further alienated himself with Husker Heisman winner Tommy Frazier. He has apologized, and at some level should there not be some privacy expectations from your staff, in your own spaces – there are requirements about taping someone in the United States without consent and knowledge. While Pelini obviously made a mistake, he was talking in private, and fans need to ask themselves do they wish to start over and return to the early 2000s, careful what you wish for there shuckers, especially when 2014 looks prime for the picking!
PM RT: #Huskers Bo Pelini addresses report tirade about fans. http://t.co/6M2FnZmH3U”
— Matt Murschel (@osmattmurschel) September 18, 2013
Speaking of fans and hand-wringing. My fellow Wolverines across the Interwebs are full of dismay after the near death experience that was the great Akron plague of 2013. The bottom line is we won folks, yes it was not in the fashion we desired, but we warned you here of a possible letdown, sleeper situation and unfortunately it came true – but was only partially emotionally traumatizing. Well we will help ease your mind here a little expect Michigan to win this one too, as they are riled up. There staff talks about the upcoming game with the Wolverines – Stay Calm and Go Blue On!
#UConn, Paul Pasqualoni face "a big challenge" in No. 15 #Michigan http://t.co/JLRYz1CchQ
— Hartford Courant (@hartfordcourant) September 17, 2013
However, we could lose this game also if Devin does not exercise better ball control having now thrown six picks and having coughed up a fumble. In other words he needs to mature up, and follow the coach’s advice about moving on and flushing the past (though many fans who are much older are having problems doing so).
Michigan notes: Brady Hoke tells Devin Gardner you've got to move forward http://t.co/AJTyNgPUIh
— Mark Snyder (@Mark__Snyder) September 17, 2013
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Written by GBMWolverine Staff — SkwdCop
Go Blue — Wear Maize!