GBMWolverine: Michigan Basketball — Men’s Basketball Update


Posted at 6:00am — 12/5/2011

GBMWolverine: Michigan Basketball — Men’s Basketball Update

Michigan played two good opponents this week in Virginia and Iowa State. The Wolverines split the pair of games and will go on a study break this week and not play until next Saturday against Oakland.

The Big Ten is making hay the last three years after being a stepchild the previous decade in the inter-league challenge. Truth be known, the ACC has been down the last three years and this year’s match-ups show that concept to be crystal clear.

Michigan played a very physical and tough Virginia team on the road. The Cavaliers were tall, wide, and played great defense. Michigan could not get the ball inside and ended up taking many bad shots, some on the run and with difficulty points. Michigan is not a team that can win against good competition taking off balance, twisting, turning, and fade away three-pointers on the run.

Michigan also showed that given time and patience a game can be won against an Iowa State team that was not as patient. After having initial difficulty against another big and agile inside player, and again allowing opponents to take three-pointers under limited duress, Michigan went on two big runs, one to end the first half and one to start the second half, that sealed the game. After the big second half run, Michigan let the foot off the gas and allowed Iowa State to make the game close.

There were good things that happened in the Iowa State game. But Michigan has plenty to get better at before the Big Ten season starts about a month from now. Some obvious thoughts about the entire team are presented below.

First, the team still plays soft on defense, the rotation to the ball is a little better and guys are fighting over the top of screens (not well enough at times). But overall the feet of many Wolverines need to move faster and anticipate.

Second, the team still has long runs of ignoring the inside game and launching outside shots that may not be the best option. The rebounding is holding its own, but guys still do not anticipate or block out well. This has resulted in bunches of put-back second shot rebounds by opponents for easy baskets. A team can only give up a limited amount of free gifts against a good team and stay in the game.

Third, the ball handling is improved. Although no team has put constant pressure on Michigan bringing the ball up, Michigan should do better this year against serious pressure. The difference is Burke is a much better press buster than Morris.

Fourth, the foul shooting is starting to pick up. With the emphasis Michigan places on shooting anything less than good, solid foul shooting is unacceptable.

Finally, the offense is running smoother and with more success if the inside guys get more opportunities to do some damage. Morgan and Horford are providing just enough help inside and on the boards to be positive contributors.

Some other thoughts:

Novak continues to be Michigan’s best tough guy inside, Smotzy continues to need to do more on defense and rebounding, Burke is not a one month wonder (he is being given reign to launch threes with the same conditions as the other starters, and the Big Ten schedule will need a tougher and more focused Michigan to make a run at a top four standing.

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Written by GBMWolverine Staff

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