Posted at 4:00pm -- 11/24/2011 GBMWolverine Football Preview: Concerns – ..."/> Posted at 4:00pm -- 11/24/2011 GBMWolverine Football Preview: Concerns – ..."/>

GBMWolverine Football Preview: Concerns – There Are Always Concerns


Posted at 4:00pm — 11/24/2011

GBMWolverine Football Preview: Concerns – There Are Always Concerns

Coaches sit and discuss troublesome items called concerns. Every coach has concerns for every game, some are founded and some are neurotic. Here is an imaginary discussion of what the Michigan and Ohio State staffs may have discussed the past few days.

Ohio State- I think we have prepared very well, but Denard Robinson is something else. I am worried about him just taking off and making a big play at a critical time, even if we think the play is defensed and have prepared for it. Last year he made it easy with turnovers, not sure that will happen this year. I bet the Michigan staff is preaching no turnovers.

Michigan- – I think we have prepared very well, but Braxton Miller is something else. I am worried about him just taking off and making a big play at a critical time, even if we think the play is defensed and have prepared for it. He is a freshman and maybe he will make the big mistakes this year. I bet the Ohio staff is preaching no turnovers.

Ohio State- Too bad Rich Rod is not coaching.

Michigan- Good thing Tressel is not on the sideline.

Ohio State- We have better talent, but Michigan is playing better than we are.

Michigan- They have more talent, but we are playing well.

Ohio State- We cannot lose this game, we need to win.

Michigan- We cannot lose this game, we need to win.

Ohio State- We have some linebackers that are not playing well in the passing game and even the running game, they are young.

Michigan- We have some linebackers that are not playing well in the passing game and even the running game, they are young.

Ohio State- I hope we can keep Denard from breaking the edge.

Michigan- I hope we can keep Braxton Miller and Boom Herron from breaking the edge.

Ohio State- I think points will be tough to come by, our defense must be on.

Michigan- I think points will be tough to come by, our defense must be on.

Ohio State- I am not scared of anything Michigan can do, except Denard. But I am afraid of what we may do to ourselves.

Michigan- Did we talk about stopping Boom up the middle and not allowing any little seal plays like Beanie killed us with?

Ohio State- I am worried about Shugarts having more false starts when we need a play bad.

Michigan- I am a little worried Taylor Lewan may clock someone and get a big penalty.

Ohio State- can we tackle well enough to stop a drive, or will we tackle like at Purdue?

Michigan- can we get ahead and make Miller pass, and pass, and pass?

Ohio State- I am worried about Michigan bringing sniffling dogs for revenge. Oh, forget the dogs, will Michigan bring a tattoo specialist and distract our players?

Michigan- Will Ohio State bring sniffing dogs with them on the bus?

Ohio State- We have the best football team, the best band, the best president, the cleanest athletic program, the model of transparency, the highest of standards, the best compliance program, the best scummy pond on a campus, the best marble team, the best MacDonald’s, and the best fuel mileage of a campus bus. But can we get out of a funk and beat Michigan?

Michigan- Oh, who cares? Let’s kick the door in and not worry about anything else?

Ohio State- When will Urban become head Coach, and will he keep any of us?

Michigan Head Coach- I’m hungry as can be, what’s for dinner?

As I said, there are always concerns.

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