Posted at 8:00am -- 10/5/2010 Coach's Corner: Defensive Grades for the..."/> Posted at 8:00am -- 10/5/2010 Coach's Corner: Defensive Grades for the..."/>

Coach’s Corner: Defensive Grades for the Indiana Game


Posted at 8:00am — 10/5/2010

Coach’s Corner: Defensive Grades for the Indiana Game:

GBMWolverine hereby tenders a small disclaimer, more of a reminder, to our readers. Some of our guys, maybe all actually, are pretty tough on game grades. We watch the game and later go back and further dissect the action, looking for details that a lot of fans miss or overlook when watching a game.

Again, here is our grading scale, simple but typical, intended to provide a general summary judgment based on specific instances collectively observed.

A = Great – everything went well, execution was very notable
B = Good – success was achieved but nothing was exemplary
C = Average/Okay – a normal day with ups and downs
D = Poor/Need Help – a clear weakness, obvious problems
F = Hope and Pray for a great recruiting class at that position.


Grade: D

Only magic from Denard Robinson in the last minute prevented this from being a lower grade as Michigan pulled out the win. There were way, way too many missed tackles (whiffs) and mistakes made by this defensive group!

The grade is bad, and could be worse, when the reality is that Denard Robinson saved the team.

This was a very good team win, but again a very bad performance by the defense, even taking into consideration how good the Indiana pistol is at moving the ball.

Is it great to win? Sure, but UM cannot continually count on Denard Robinson and the offense to score 40 plus points every single game to win. UM will be facing tougher competition VERY SOON, and the next three games are going to be brutal in more ways than one!

Defensive line:

Grade: B

Despite rushing three most of the afternoon, the defensive line did a nice job for the most part. They seemed to get pressure on the IU quarterback, Ben Chappell (not as much as we would like), enough to make him occasionally decide to do something with the ball quicker than he wanted too.

Mike Martin, in particular, was excellent in pursuit.

Huge penalties from the d-line really hurt Michigan’s chances of getting the ball back as well.


Grade: C-

Other than Jonas Mouton this group was very disappointing. If not for factoring in his play the collective grade would be lower and might even be in the “F” range. Unfortunately, GBMWolverine restates some obvious apprehension about the linebacker recruiting so far, and unless UM lands a surprise difference maker or two, instead of two or three year hybrid projects, there will be little overall difference anytime soon regarding the defense.

Still, and frankly speaking, it currently surprises our staff how many snaps certain players who are clearly not producing are getting while others are watching from the sidelines.


Grade: D


This might be generous and overly benevolent since UM won. The pistol is beautiful to watch but the IU offense is not putting up near record yardage and 35 points every week against the other Big Ten brethren.

Again, there were way too many missed tackles, lost containment, or out of position players in this group.

How so is certainly a valid question, but the entire back seven really need to step it up, the preparation time is over. Michigan State’s offense matches up against the Michigan defense in a scary manner.

Written by GBMWolverine Staff

Go Blue — Wear Maize!