Posted at 8:00am -- 6/10/2010

The Visit&..."/> Posted at 8:00am -- 6/10/2010

The Visit&..."/>

Chris Rock and Coach Wiggins exclusive interview — Part 2


Posted at 8:00am — 6/10/2010

The Visit

Many readers have expressed interest in how Chris made his decision to recently commit to the University of Michigan. Chris did not commit during the visit, but he really enjoyed his Ann Arbor trip. With each succeeding day Chris came closer and closer. He visited with Coach Wiggins, who counseled Chris down the “be sure” track. Eventually Chris believed he was sure and pulled the trigger on the commitment.

When asked what was the deciding factor in accepting the scholarship offer from Michigan, Chris, like many before him, quickly referred to the total overall package and experience Michigan has to offer. Chris, again like many before him, enjoyed visualizing himself playing in the largest football stadium in the country (soon will again be the largest).

Chris was also impressed with Coach Tall and enjoys the prospect of Coach Tall being his position coach. Of note is the obvious impression Coach Rodriguez made on Chris Rock. Like so many others these two years, during the recruiting process Chris referred to Coach Rod as being a really neat guy, really cool. It bears noting that this is an almost universal pattern among recruits, those who sign and those who do not alike.

Chris, on a tour with Coach Singletary and family, saw about everything on campus and in the surrounding Ann Arbor area. He likes both areas and described his future home as clean with a nice look. Chris also seems to understand how Ann Arbor is somewhat divided into the college and city areas.

Chris was asked to comment on two people who likely will be very important in his development as a student athlete the next two years, Shari Acho and Coach Barwis. Predictably Chris was impressed that Shari is all about academics, he views the academic support for athletes as a very serious venture and loves the learning center (great facility).

Well here is a tough response to predict, what does Chris think of Coach Barwis? Of course, he loves him and stated that an immediate, positive first impression was made. Chris, like all recruits, speaks of Coach Barwis’ high energy and is convinced that Coach Barwis will bring the very best out of him.

The Present

Football is near and so the discussion turned to Coach Wiggins’ plans for Chris Rock this fall. Coach mentioned that Chris’ role and use on defense will be dictated by the reality that the 2010 DeSales defense will be very young. As a recourse, the talented defensive end must become a versatile resource, read used within the defense in a variety of ways to maximize his impact. Such strategy is a work in progress.

Coach mentioned that attention to detail must be given to getting good leverage through lower pad level and gaining more strength. Coach and player alike know these are common needs for young, six foot five high school linemen.

Chris has set as his 2010 goals those common among talented upperclassmen: get better at everything, be a leader and accept the responsibility that comes from being a leader in a very visible program.

Michigan fans take note that DeSales will play Orchard Lake St. Mary’s this year at St. Mary’s on September 24 (Friday).


Grade point average — 3.5
ACT — 27
Official or unofficial visits planned — none
Benchpress — 245
40 time — 4.9
Height — 6’4 to 6’5
Weight — 235 to 240

Coach Wiggins was asked when was the last time that he saw Patrick Omameh and Coach answered last Thanksgiving. Coach continues to be a little in shock about how athletic Patrick now looks (near 300 and in great shape). The final word Coach Wiggins had regarding Chris was that he was indeed proud of how well Chris thought out the decision, a mature manner was a descriptor used.

Gratitude is given to Coach Wiggins, Chris Rock and DeSales High School for the time and courtesy provided for the interview and this subsequent article. Best of luck to the entire DeSales team as another tough fall schedule approaches. But as Coach Wiggins mentioned- you get better by playing tough people. By that standard DeSales will be pretty good.

Below is a picture of Coach Wiggins and Chris Rock standing between the two banners awarded to DeSales for being a United States Department of Education Blue Ribbon School.

Written by Doc4blu — GBMW Staff

Go Blue — Wear Maize!