Coach’s Corner: Rules, Gaps, Techniques, and Blitz packages in the base 3-3-5 — Part 2 Outside Gap Blitzes

Posted at 8:00am — 4/8/2010

Coach’s Corner: Rules, Gaps, Techniques, and Blitz packages in the base 3-3-5 — Part 2 Outside Gap

We recently covered the typical 3-3-5 outside linebacker/inside gap blitzes. We will now look at some outside linebacker blitzes that target the outside gaps.

The two blitzes discussed below a few years ago were called Cannon and Dart by the West Virginia coaching staff.

Cannon is a WLB (Weak-side Linebacker): C Gap Blitz.

The line techniques are given below:

DT: his alignment is a 5-tech and he has C gap responsibility.
NT: his alignment is a 0-tech and he has A gap responsibility.
DE: his alignment is a 5-tech and he has B gap responsibility.

SLB (Strong-side Linebacker): his alignment is 50-tech (stacked behind the defensive tackle) and he has B gap responsibility to his side.

MLB (Middle Linebacker): his alignment is a 00 technique (stacked behind the nose tackle) and he has A gap (both) responsibility.

WLB (Weak-side Linebacker): he aligns inside the defensive end and blitzes outside.

Spur (Strong Safety): lines up 4×4 off of the tight end, or the last man on the line of scrimmage and he has D gap responsibility.

Bandit (Strong Safety): lines up 4×4 off of the last man on the line of scrimmage and has D gap responsibility.

Field CB: 1×8 outside #1 wide receiver, he is to secure the boundary (sideline) to his side.

Boundary CB: 1×8 outside #1 wide receiver, he is to secure the boundary (sideline) to his side. Note: boundary is usually terminology for the short side of the field (closest to sideline) or the strong formation (tight end or more players).

FS (Deep Safety): 12 yards off line of scrimmage, splits the two #1 wide receiver’s, he also has the alley in run support.

At the snap of the ball, the defensive end aggressively attacks the B gap. He does this by stepping laterally and then trying to get penetration in the B gap. The WLB attacks the line of scrimmage diagonally and then attacking diagonally through the C Gap.


(D gap) TE (C gap) OT (B gap) OG (B gap) OC (A gap) OG (B gap) OT (C gap) .. (D gap)

3-3-5 vs. Pro Set


DT: Greg Banks
NT: Renaldo Sagesse
RDE: Ryan Van Bergen

WLB: Jonas Mouton
MLB: Obi Ezeh
SLB: Craig Roh

BC = J.T. Floyd
FC = Troy Woolfolk

SS: Thomas Gordon (Bandit)
SS: Jordan Kovacs (Spur)

FS: Cam Gordon (Deep Safety)


Dart is a SLB (Strong-side Linebacker): C gap Blitz

DT: his alignment is a 5-tech and he has C gap responsibility.
NT: his alignment is a 0-tech and he has A gap responsibility.
DE: his alignment is 5-tech and he has B gap Responsibility.

SLB (Strong-side Linebacker): his alignment is a 50-tech (stacked behind the defensive tackle) and he has D gap responsibility to his side.
MLB (Middle Linebacker): Alignment is 00, stacked behind the nose tackle and has A gap responsibility.
WLB (Weak-side Linebacker): Alignment is 50-tech, stacked behind the defensive end and has B gap responsibility.

Spur (Strong Safety): is 4×4 off of the tight end or the last man on the line of scrimmage and he has D gap responsibility.

Bandit (Strong Safety): is 4×4 off of the last man on the line of scrimmage and he has D gap responsibility.

Field CB: is 1×8 outside of the #1 wide receiver, he is to secure the boundary (sideline).

Boundary CB: 1×8 outside of the #1 wide receiver, he is to secure the boundary (sideline).

FS (Deep Safety): is 12 yards off the line of scrimmage, he splits the two #1 wide receivers, he also has the alley in run support.

At the snap of the ball, the defensive tackle aggressively attacks the B gap. He uses the same technique as the defensive end in the “Cannon” blitz. The SLB (Strong-side Linebacker) will angle diagonally to the outside of the tight end and then attack diagonally behind the tight end.


(D gap) TE (C gap) OT (B gap) OG (B gap) OC (A gap) OG (B gap) OT (C gap) .. (D gap)

3-3-5 vs. Pro Set


DT: Greg Banks
NT: Renaldo Sagesse
RDE: Ryan Van Bergen

WLB: Jonas Mouton
MLB: Obi Ezeh
SLB: Craig Roh

BC = J.T. Floyd
FC = Troy Woolfolk

SS: Thomas Gordon (Bandit)
SS: Jordan Kovacs (Spur)

FS: Cam Gordon (Deep Safety)

In future pieces we will discuss “Shade” alignments by the fronts and more complex Blitz schemes.


Written by GBMW Staff

Go Blue — Wear Maize!