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It is damn possible someone could get run over by a damn ol train.\u003c/p>"},{"type":"inline-text","dataId":"_51cgtwli6","html":"\u003cp>CoachBt prefers the old Irish whiskey Jameson and said a new bottle is ready where as ErocWolverine takes to “Jack,” but not as much as he used to. After the last two seasons, this old and time honored “hobby,” out of necessity, might be rekindled, especially living in Ohio and rooting for Michigan. If things get too bad I can always go back to my old stand-by “151 rum” straight shots that helped make me forget some nights “back in the day”. Some of my friends like Old Grand Dad as well. Doc, a true connoisseur of microbrews that only about 50 other people in the world know about is calling out the calvary and is prepared to put down some Single Barrel Jack.\u003c/p>"},{"type":"inline-text","dataId":"_7ld7kvvmy","html":"\u003cp>This is not a good match up for Michigan this week, period. Wisconsin is a down hill team who is big and physical at the point of attack. The best chance Michigan has at winning the game is to control the football with the running game. Another chance is Wisconsin turnovers.\u003c/p>"},{"type":"inline-text","dataId":"_wqazd00xf","html":"\u003cp>Offensively, Wisconsin is going to present a huge challenge for Michigan ‘s defense. They can run the ball quite well with big backs, supported by a big offensive line and pound the ball using a fullback and tight ends in the running game.\u003c/p>"},{"type":"inline-text","dataId":"_63calyvn2","html":"\u003cp>Then when UM has defensive backfield and linebackers creeping up to stop the run, Wisky, just like recent other teams, will attempt to burn Michigan with play action pass to either the tight end over the top of the defensive backs or go with the pass to the wide receivers when the cornerbacks bite on the play action. The deep out has never really been stopped all year.\u003c/p>"},{"type":"inline-text","dataId":"_qwrikfwv7","html":"\u003cp>The scary thing is Wisky may not need to pass and run both, as the Badgers have a huge offensive line, a 250 pound tailback, a big strong split end, and a very good tight end. It might be pick a card time for the offensive coordinator up in the booth.\u003c/p>"},{"type":"inline-text","dataId":"_l1iwaowrf","html":"\u003cp>Wisconsin has been going to their wide receivers a lot more this year than in the past, so do not forget about them.\u003c/p>"},{"type":"inline-text","dataId":"_rssyah1lr","html":"\u003cp>Defensively the Badgers also have a very good rushing defense. This is a very tough match up for Michigan, especially, if the injuries to B. Minor and C. Brown put both under 100%.\u003c/p>"},{"type":"inline-text","dataId":"_ngvodlr1b","html":"\u003cp>Which leads us to our next question, how healthy is Brandon Minor? When he is healthy Michigan can run the ball on anybody in the Big Ten. The problem with Minor is that he cannot seem to stay healthy. We would still like to see more of Mike Shaw. We think the kid has great talent and we wish Michigan would use him more.\u003c/p>"},{"type":"inline-text","dataId":"_6wll1ry1w","html":"\u003cp>The rumors of Denard Robinson possibly starting probably has Wisconsin celebrating right now, knowing they will not have to worry as much about the passing arm of Tate Forcier. The Badgers can then stack the box and dare Denard, Coach Magee and Coach Rod to try and beat them with Denard’s arm and not his legs. Of course, Michigan will try and use his feet and speed to just blow past them, but will it work? It only has worked sparingly and that was against MAC teams.\u003c/p>"},{"type":"inline-text","dataId":"_vuqrbhgsz","html":"\u003cp>If Michigan can just stop giving up the big plays defensively that would help stop the bleeding. The one thing that leads us to believe that Michigan can play with Wisconsin is that they are similar to Iowa athletically and like Iowa the Badgers do not present great mysteries.\u003c/p>"},{"type":"inline-text","dataId":"_wqtxksqe5","html":"\u003cp>If Michigan ‘s defense doesn’t have to think much they can actually be at least an average defense. Limit the big plays, don’t turn the ball over and be able to rush the football: this formula will give UM a chance to hang in this game.\u003c/p>"},{"type":"inline-text","dataId":"_q43q470in","html":"\u003cp>Camp Randall is also one of the toughest venues in the Big Ten to play at. Let us just be happy that the game is at noon, instead of a 3:30 or 7:00 game in which the old bratwurst and beers would be flowing, making it a crazy atmosphere for a home crowd and by the time “jump around” comes the game could have been a nightmare.\u003c/p>"},{"type":"inline-text","dataId":"_l8q6ktvh9","html":"\u003cp>GBMW wants to see Michigan throw the first punch (not literally), but make a statement that they have not quit yet this year and that they are going to fight until the last minute has ticked off the clock in the last game.\u003c/p>"},{"type":"inline-text","dataId":"_x4y4x4pkt","html":"\u003cp>The reward would be worth the effort, a bowl game. Keep in mind the Wisconsin staff has reminded the team of the great second half collapse of last year and we implore the troops to collect Michigan scalps.\u003c/p>"},{"type":"inline-text","dataId":"_csto13qo1","html":"\u003cp>Come back later today to see our game predictions.\u003c/p>"},{"type":"inline-text","dataId":"_qc8d9mudz","html":"\u003cp>Thanks for stopping by \u003ca href=\"http://gobluemichiganwolverine.blogspot.com/\">Go Blue Michigan Wolverine\u003c/a>\u003cbr>\u003cbr>If you have any questions please \u003ca href=\"mailto:erocwolverine@gmail.com\">E-Mail\u003c/a>\u003c/p>"},{"type":"inline-text","dataId":"_bb3uf0nvy","html":"\u003cp>Written by GBMW — CoachBt, Coach Webb, Doc4blu, and ErocWolverine\u003c/p>"},{"type":"inline-text","dataId":"_f3fd1j94s","html":"\u003cp>\u003ca href=\"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_WEhAjvYuLzE/Sb-1Wm41GqI/AAAAAAAAEjA/nw6PL0eJfXk/s1600-h/USA+Small+Flag.png\">\u003c/a>\u003cbr>\u003cbr>\u003ca href=\"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_WEhAjvYuLzE/Sb-1WtwLt8I/AAAAAAAAEi4/OLFoFpCBlJE/s1600-h/Michigan+Logo+3.gif\">\u003c/a>\u003cbr>\u003c/p>"}],"md5hashPostCanonicalUrl":"e7a0882ac67bfa2fd6af38eddee4d4e6","finiteScrollArticles":null,"loadingArticles":false,"finiteScrollArticlesURLs":null,"disclaimerText":null,"reviewDisclaimer":null,"shouldDisplayDisclaimerAtBottom":false,"shouldAddMMPlayerPlaceholder":true,"shouldSetMinHeightForTopAd":true,"finiteScrollDataExists":false,"topic":"michigan wolverines","customVertical":"ncaa","shouldShowHeroImage":true},"siteAnnouncement":null}

GBMW: Michigan Football — Michigan at Wisconsin — Preview


Michigan at Wisconsin

Go Blue Michigan Wolverine — Preview

Well it is now or never for this Michigan football program.

The Wolverines are 5-5 going into the Wisconsin game and what better way for Michigan fans to prepare themselves for “Wisky” by having plenty of Whiskey on hand before and after the game just in case this turns out to be “not the perfect Country and Western song. It is damn possible someone could get run over by a damn ol train.

CoachBt prefers the old Irish whiskey Jameson and said a new bottle is ready where as ErocWolverine takes to “Jack,” but not as much as he used to. After the last two seasons, this old and time honored “hobby,” out of necessity, might be rekindled, especially living in Ohio and rooting for Michigan. If things get too bad I can always go back to my old stand-by “151 rum” straight shots that helped make me forget some nights “back in the day”. Some of my friends like Old Grand Dad as well. Doc, a true connoisseur of microbrews that only about 50 other people in the world know about is calling out the calvary and is prepared to put down some Single Barrel Jack.

This is not a good match up for Michigan this week, period. Wisconsin is a down hill team who is big and physical at the point of attack. The best chance Michigan has at winning the game is to control the football with the running game. Another chance is Wisconsin turnovers.

Offensively, Wisconsin is going to present a huge challenge for Michigan ‘s defense. They can run the ball quite well with big backs, supported by a big offensive line and pound the ball using a fullback and tight ends in the running game.

Then when UM has defensive backfield and linebackers creeping up to stop the run, Wisky, just like recent other teams, will attempt to burn Michigan with play action pass to either the tight end over the top of the defensive backs or go with the pass to the wide receivers when the cornerbacks bite on the play action. The deep out has never really been stopped all year.

The scary thing is Wisky may not need to pass and run both, as the Badgers have a huge offensive line, a 250 pound tailback, a big strong split end, and a very good tight end. It might be pick a card time for the offensive coordinator up in the booth.

Wisconsin has been going to their wide receivers a lot more this year than in the past, so do not forget about them.

Defensively the Badgers also have a very good rushing defense. This is a very tough match up for Michigan, especially, if the injuries to B. Minor and C. Brown put both under 100%.

Which leads us to our next question, how healthy is Brandon Minor? When he is healthy Michigan can run the ball on anybody in the Big Ten. The problem with Minor is that he cannot seem to stay healthy. We would still like to see more of Mike Shaw. We think the kid has great talent and we wish Michigan would use him more.

The rumors of Denard Robinson possibly starting probably has Wisconsin celebrating right now, knowing they will not have to worry as much about the passing arm of Tate Forcier. The Badgers can then stack the box and dare Denard, Coach Magee and Coach Rod to try and beat them with Denard’s arm and not his legs. Of course, Michigan will try and use his feet and speed to just blow past them, but will it work? It only has worked sparingly and that was against MAC teams.

If Michigan can just stop giving up the big plays defensively that would help stop the bleeding. The one thing that leads us to believe that Michigan can play with Wisconsin is that they are similar to Iowa athletically and like Iowa the Badgers do not present great mysteries.

If Michigan ‘s defense doesn’t have to think much they can actually be at least an average defense. Limit the big plays, don’t turn the ball over and be able to rush the football: this formula will give UM a chance to hang in this game.

Camp Randall is also one of the toughest venues in the Big Ten to play at. Let us just be happy that the game is at noon, instead of a 3:30 or 7:00 game in which the old bratwurst and beers would be flowing, making it a crazy atmosphere for a home crowd and by the time “jump around” comes the game could have been a nightmare.

GBMW wants to see Michigan throw the first punch (not literally), but make a statement that they have not quit yet this year and that they are going to fight until the last minute has ticked off the clock in the last game.

The reward would be worth the effort, a bowl game. Keep in mind the Wisconsin staff has reminded the team of the great second half collapse of last year and we implore the troops to collect Michigan scalps.

Come back later today to see our game predictions.

Thanks for stopping by Go Blue Michigan Wolverine

If you have any questions please E-Mail

Written by GBMW — CoachBt, Coach Webb, Doc4blu, and ErocWolverine