Michigan Football Tidbits: Observations

Michigan Football Tidbits: Few Observations

Just a quick observation about Coach Robinson. The guy needs to get out of the office more. He has been seen cooped up in his office for hours watching tape, analyzing what schemes to run. The guy seems somewhat obsessive and f he cannot turn around this defense then we are in trouble.

Early analysis of Coach Robinson:

1) His obvious love for the game. Do not see him getting carried away with the idea he is coaching at either Texas, in the NFL, Syracuse, or Michigan. To him, football is football. Played with the same fundamentals and it is never ends of teaching that is his biggest strength.

2) Tireless, as stated above he works a ton of hours.

3) Huge believer in tackling fundamentals and taking proper angles. This has been a huge problem at Michigan for many years. Coach Robinson is stressing this continually in all drills that Michigan runs.

1) At times, think he goes overboard on his teaching of tackling techniques. Michigan is being taught a different style (that CoachBt can explain it better and has discussed it in the past on this blog) and think in the long run, it will pay huge dividends.

The problem we see right now is that Coach Robinson has to stay at Michigan for a prolonged period of time. It is one thing to change schemes, but to not continue teaching consistent fundamentals would be a big blow to the program.

2) Recruiting, early on (will reserve final judgment for later this year), but he does not seem overly aggressive when it comes to recruiting. Hoping he spends more time on this part of coaching, after he feels he is ready with proper scheme for 2009 season.

He has already discussed (PLEASE READ) coaches have had numerous discussion (this is not just A opinion) that the numbers on the roster need to be evened out and done so in a hurry. The overloading of offensive players is a hot topic in coaches discussions. This discussion of Coach Robinson leads to my next topic.

Defensive scheme:

1) As we have learned in the spring Coach Robinson has somewhat of a unique scheme, with utilization of hybrid type players. The big question of course going into 2009, those hybrid positions. Are probably the most questionable in terms of personnel and depth. So just something to keep an eye on.

Mike Martin the coaches are really excited about Martin being healthy and being a huge part of Michigan’s defense. Now there is some who think that even though Martin is so athletic as a nose guard type of player, he may be able at times to either play in a two defensive tackle set or even move over to strong side defensive end at times. This would free up B. Graham to maybe play multiple spots, including a different version of the “Quick defensive end”.

This may only happen if two things occur:

1) Herron either gets hurt or shows he still needs more time (our back-up depth at that position is very questionable with Evans right now being the primary back-up).


2) Some other defensive tackle really steps up and coaches think they have to get them on the field more. Primarily candidates for this is Saggesse and Big Will, both of which has had a big off-season.

So, when discussing depth on defense, do not look at positions in terms of depth charts. Coach Robinson wants to get best people on field and until he gets players able to play his scheme, he is willing to tweak.

More on players tomorrow

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Written by MaizeMan and ErocWolverine