Michigan Football Tidbits: Stock up, down, or even

Stock up:

RVB: Going with him as the most improved player so far on the team. Not only has he become a fixture in the starting line-up (keep in mind kids compete daily for starting positions, so this could change), but with his work ethic and gained confidence he is also becoming more and more of a leader. Playing defensive end in most cases, but at times he has been seen to move inside.

Woolfolk: Surprisingly, he has played a majority of snaps at cornerback. If spring ended today, he would be our most effective cornerback (at least in practice). Not that there has been a ton of opportunities ( with scrimmages limited), but he has not been beat in scrimmage.

Martin: Plays defensive tackle in 4-3, but also nose guard as you call it a 3-4 (hard to say exactly what they run at times).

Evans: Another good spring for Evans. New scheme seems to fit him better.

Watson: Give hime the award for surprise player of spring. Is he legit or just a onw-spring-wonder? Time will tell, but he fits the new “spinner” position almost perfectly, seems to have a good motor, and is a very smart player. Torn on whether this is great positive news or an indication that Michigan is just not very deep on defense. Either way, he is climbing the charts.

Omameh: We’re in the camp that wish Omameh had another year to develop. And this could happen with Dorrenstein and Ortmann playing offensive tackle or they could always move Schilling back (which it looks as if they do not want to do) or Barnum could play offensive tackle, but injuries are issues. Athletically and in drills, Omameh has progressed nicely, but he still needs to prove his worth in scrimmages.

Webb: We’ve been a critic of his approach, but put him in the stock up group because he is having a better spring than expected.

Khoury: Not a starter yet, but cannot help feeling he will be eventually.

S. Brown: Another spring, another good performance, but now, hopefully, he has found a spot in which he can thrive. He is the so-called “hybrid” LB / SS (Hawthorne also plays this position) which explains why they both go with the defensive back’s in position groups. S. Brown really adds much needed speed to the middle of the field. Will he be able to tackle? Again, time will tell, but at least 1/3 of way through spring he is a big part of the defense.

B. Smith: He hasn’t been challenged much, but he has answered every question at least up to now. Just an impressive looking athlete.

Side Note: Notice many of these players are defensive players. I think it is fair to say, at least early on, that the defense once again is dominating the offense. What you have to worry about in practices is that our passing game just is not that sophisticated and it is hard to judge whether the pass defense is just improving or our offensive passing game is just that far behind. Based on last year, I have to admit thinking it’s our passing game making the defense look good.

Stock even:

All Offensive line: Competition continues and, if not mentioned in stock up or stock down, they are doing fine. Nobody has separated themselves to become a sure starter. Schilling may be the only one, but that is solely based on history.

B. Graham: Nothing bad, but nothing great either. He has to be that impact player. Granted he has not had a ton of opportunities, but would like to see him step it up more.

All Wide Receivers: Nothing great to report, but again this may be because of our passing game. Hemingway may be our # 1 WR based on performance (caught a touchdown pass). No wide receiver has had opportunity or has made enough plays to be considered a stock up candidate.

Note: Majority of plays in scrimmage were running plays.

Stock Down

Ezeh: Not unusual for Ezeh to struggle early in spring. But he has to tackle better. They’ve been moving him around inside and outside. We’re anxious to see where he eventually ends up. Biggest reason he’s a stock down is simply because he is a veteran and expectations are higher for him than for the others.

Warren: Same reason as for Ezeh. There might be a slight injury we’re not aware of, but he is not playing every down.

Freshmen report:

Jones and Vlad: Green shirts.

V. Smith: Could be in stock up.

LaLota: Playing defensive end and sometimes spinner. Impressed with his aggressiveness.

Big Will: Impressive, but yet needs a ton of fundamentals work. Good news he is very coachable and is improving daily.

Forcier: Of all the players, let us hope he becomes stock up. Michigan has very little choice now. He had better be ready.

Hawthorne: Other than V. Smith, we think this freshmen is having the best spring.

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Written by CoachBt and ErocWolverine